Common Name: Short Body Albino Threadfin Acara Cichlid
Scientific Name: Acarichthys heckelii
Other Names: Albino Heckelii Cichlid, Short Body Heckelii
The Short Body Albino Threadfin Acara is a selectively bred variant of Acarichthys heckelii, prized for its unique short-bodied shape, pale pinkish-white coloration, and red or pink eyes due to its albino genetics. This variant maintains the elegant long fin extensions (threadfins) characteristic of the species but has a more compact body structure. It is a peaceful and visually striking cichlid, making it an excellent addition to community aquariums with similarly sized, non-aggressive fish.
Habitat and Distribution:
The natural form of Acarichthys heckelii originates from the Amazon Basin in South America, particularly in slow-moving rivers, tributaries, and flooded areas with sandy substrates. This albino, short-bodied variety is a man-made strain selectively bred for its unique appearance. In the wild, Acarichthys heckelii is found in warm, slightly acidic to neutral waters with dense plant growth and leaf litter, where they sift through the substrate for food.
Size and Lifespan:
This selectively bred variety generally reaches about 5-7 inches (13-18 cm) in captivity, slightly smaller than the wild-type Acarichthys heckelii, which can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm). With proper care, they can live for 8-12 years.
Diet and Behavior:
The Short Body Albino Threadfin Acara is an omnivore that naturally sifts through the substrate in search of small invertebrates, plant matter, and organic detritus. In captivity, they should be fed high-quality sinking omnivore pellets, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, blackworms, brine shrimp, and chopped tilapia, along with occasional plant-based foods like spirulina flakes and blanched vegetables. They are generally peaceful for a cichlid but may become territorial during breeding.
Breeding and Reproduction:
Like the standard Acarichthys heckelii, this variety is a substrate spawner that prefers to dig small pits in the sand where eggs are laid and guarded. Pairs form strong bonds, and both parents participate in guarding their fry. Raising the fry requires small foods such as baby brine shrimp and finely crushed pellets. Captive breeding is possible but requires a well-maintained tank with stable water conditions.
Aquarium Care and Tank Requirements:
A minimum of 55 gallons is required for a single specimen, with a larger tank (75+ gallons) preferred for pairs or groups. Their ideal tank setup includes a fine sand substrate to support their natural sifting behavior, driftwood, caves, and rock structures for shelter, moderate filtration with gentle water flow, and dim to moderate lighting to enhance their pale coloration.
Ideal Tank Mates:
The Short Body Albino Threadfin Acara is peaceful for a cichlid and can coexist with similarly sized, non-aggressive fish. Suitable tank mates include Geophagus species, Uaru Cichlids, Severums, Angelfish, Larger Tetras, and Corydorascatfish. Avoid overly aggressive or highly territorial cichlids that may stress them.
Difficulty Level:
Intermediate. They require stable water conditions, a soft substrate, and a balanced diet to thrive.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 76-82°F (24-28°C)
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- General Hardness (GH): 4-12 dGH
- Carbonate Hardness (KH): 3-8 dKH
- Ammonia: 0 ppm
- Nitrite: 0 ppm
- Nitrate: <20 ppm (regular water changes required)
Additional Information:
- A fine sand substrate is essential to prevent damage to their gill rakers while sifting.
- They are best kept in groups to encourage natural behaviors and reduce stress.
- The albino variant is more light-sensitive, so subdued lighting is recommended.
The Short Body Albino Threadfin Acara is a rare and stunning cichlid that combines the elegance of Acarichthys heckeliiwith unique coloration and a compact body shape. With proper care, they make a beautiful and peaceful addition to well-maintained aquariums.