Weather Checker
How It Works:
- Set Your Destination: Enter your ZIP code to specify your delivery address.
Collect Forecasts: We automatically gather weather forecasts for three key locations:
- Origin: Houston on the shipping day.
- UPS Hub: (if applicable) Overnight conditions.
- Destination: Your location on the arrival day.
Calculate & Adjust Your Score: We compute a temperature score based on how close the forecast is to the ideal 75°F and then adjust it with delay penalties:
- Not Expected: Factor = 1.0
- Potential: Factor = 0.9
- Likely: Factor = 0.7
- Expected: Factor = 0.5
Review the Results: You’ll see a forecast grid with raw weather data and a breakdown table summarizing:
- Each day’s temperature score and risk details
- A rank badge on shipping days (1 = most ideal, 3 = least ideal)
- Detailed Info: Click the info icon on a shipping day tile to open a popup. The popup displays mini forecast tiles (with the date, low/high temperatures, and weather description) along with key delay messages for each location.
- Choose Your Shipping Day: Use the summary to select the safest day for shipping your live cargo.