Common Name: Red Spotted Cross River Puffer
Scientific Name: Tetraodon pustulatus
Other Names: Cross River Puffer
The Red Spotted Cross River Puffer is a rare and highly sought-after freshwater pufferfish known for its striking red spots on a pale yellow to greenish body. Unlike many pufferfish species that require brackish water, this species is fully freshwater, making it an attractive choice for advanced aquarists. It is an intelligent and interactive fish with a bold personality but requires specialized care due to its dietary and territorial needs.
Habitat and Distribution:
Native to the Cross River Basin in Nigeria and Cameroon, Tetraodon pustulatus inhabits slow-moving freshwater rivers and tributaries with dense vegetation and submerged structures. The water in its natural habitat is warm, well-oxygenated, and slightly acidic to neutral, with a sandy or muddy substrate.
Size and Lifespan:
This species can grow up to 6-7 inches (15-18 cm) in captivity. With proper care, it can live for 10-15 years.
Diet and Behavior:
The Red Spotted Cross River Puffer is a carnivorous species with a strong preference for hard-shelled invertebrates. In the wild, it primarily feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish. In captivity, its diet should include live or frozen foods such as snails, mussels, shrimp, clams, and crayfish to help maintain proper beak wear. Occasional offerings of earthworms and bloodworms can also be beneficial. This species is highly territorial and can be aggressive, especially toward other fish.
Breeding and Reproduction:
Breeding Tetraodon pustulatus in captivity is extremely rare and not well-documented. Like other pufferfish, they are believed to be egg scatterers that require specific environmental conditions to induce spawning. Most individuals in the aquarium trade are wild-caught.
Aquarium Care and Tank Requirements:
A minimum of 75 gallons is required for a single specimen, with a larger tank (100+ gallons) recommended for optimal space. Their ideal tank setup includes a fine sand substrate to protect their underside, driftwood and caves for hiding, strong filtration with high oxygenation, moderate water flow to mimic river conditions, and dim to moderate lighting to reduce stress. A well-secured lid is necessary, as they are known to be curious and capable jumpers.
Ideal Tank Mates:
Due to their aggressive and territorial nature, the Red Spotted Cross River Puffer is best kept alone in a species-only tank. However, if tank mates are desired, they should be large, fast-moving, and semi-aggressive fish that can hold their own. Potential tank mates include large barbs, robust cichlids, and fast catfish species. Avoid keeping them with slow-moving fish or other puffers, as aggression is likely.
Difficulty Level:
Advanced. They require a highly specialized diet, large tank space, and careful monitoring of aggression.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 76-82°F (24-28°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- General Hardness (GH): 6-12 dGH
- Carbonate Hardness (KH): 4-10 dKH
- Ammonia: 0 ppm
- Nitrite: 0 ppm
- Nitrate: <20 ppm (regular water changes required)
Additional Information:
- Their teeth (beak) continuously grow and require hard-shelled foods to prevent overgrowth.
- They are highly intelligent and can recognize their owners, often interacting with them.
- Due to their territorial nature, multiple individuals should not be housed together.
The Red Spotted Cross River Puffer is a rare and fascinating species best suited for advanced aquarists willing to meet its specialized care requirements. With proper attention and diet, it can be a rewarding and interactive fish.