Common Name: Olga Cory Catfish
Scientific Name: Corydoras simulatus
Other Names: False Venezuelan Cory, Simulated Cory
The Olga Cory Catfish is a peaceful, bottom-dwelling species known for its subtle yet attractive coloration, featuring a silver to beige body with a faint dark stripe running along its sides. It closely resembles Corydoras venezuelanus, hence the name “simulatus,” meaning “simulated” or “false.” Like all Corydoras, it is a social species that thrives in groups, displaying natural schooling behaviors and an active, inquisitive personality.
Habitat and Distribution:
Native to the Orinoco River basin in Colombia and Venezuela, Corydoras simulatus inhabits slow-moving tributaries and floodplain waters with soft, sandy substrates. It is typically found in shallow areas with leaf litter and aquatic plants, where it forages for small invertebrates and organic detritus. The water in its natural habitat is warm, slightly acidic to neutral, and well-oxygenated.
Size and Lifespan:
This species grows to about 2-2.5 inches (5-6 cm). With proper care, it can live for 8-12 years.
Diet and Behavior:
The Olga Cory Catfish is an omnivore, feeding on small invertebrates, biofilm, and organic matter in the wild. In captivity, it should be provided with high-quality sinking omnivore pellets, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms and blackworms, and occasional plant-based foods like blanched zucchini or spirulina wafers. It is a highly active species that enjoys sifting through the substrate for food, and it must be kept in groups of at least six to reduce stress and encourage natural behaviors.
Breeding and Reproduction:
Breeding Corydoras simulatus in captivity follows the typical Corydoras spawning method. Females lay adhesive eggs on smooth surfaces such as glass, plant leaves, or decorations. Spawning is often triggered by cooler water changes and an increased protein-rich diet. The eggs hatch within 3-5 days, and the fry should be fed finely crushed sinking foods and baby brine shrimp.
Aquarium Care and Tank Requirements:
A minimum of 20 gallons is recommended for a small group, with a larger tank (30+ gallons) preferred for community setups. Their ideal tank setup includes a fine sand substrate to protect their sensitive barbels, gentle filtration with moderate water flow, plenty of hiding spots using driftwood and plants, and dim lighting to mimic their natural environment.
Ideal Tank Mates:
The Olga Cory Catfish is peaceful and best suited for community tanks with other non-aggressive fish. Suitable tank mates include Tetras, Rasboras, Dwarf Cichlids (Apistogramma, Ram Cichlids), Small Gouramis, Angelfish, and other Corydoras species. Avoid housing them with large or aggressive fish that may outcompete them for food.
Difficulty Level:
Beginner to Intermediate. They require a well-maintained tank, soft substrate, and stable water conditions to thrive.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 72-79°F (22-26°C)
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- General Hardness (GH): 4-12 dGH
- Carbonate Hardness (KH): 3-8 dKH
- Ammonia: 0 ppm
- Nitrite: 0 ppm
- Nitrate: <20 ppm (regular water changes required)
Additional Information:
- A fine sand substrate is essential to prevent damage to their barbels.
- Keeping them in groups enhances their natural behaviors and reduces stress.
- They are highly social and will often interact with other Corydoras species.
The Olga Cory Catfish is a charming and hardy species that makes an excellent addition to peaceful community aquariums. With proper care, it will thrive and provide constant activity at the bottom of the tank.