Common Name: L200 High Fin Green Phantom Pleco
Scientific Name: Baryancistrus demantoides
Other Names: High Fin Green Phantom Pleco, L200H, Hifin Green Phantom
The L200 High Fin Green Phantom Pleco is a visually striking pleco species known for its vibrant greenish-yellow coloration and its tall dorsal fin, which distinguishes it from the standard Green Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus subviridis). It has a robust, streamlined body adapted for fast-moving waters and a sucker mouth designed for clinging to rocks. This species is highly sought after due to its unique appearance and relatively peaceful nature.
Habitat and Distribution:
Native to the upper Orinoco River in Colombia and Venezuela, Baryancistrus demantoides inhabits rocky, fast-flowing sections of the river. These areas are rich in oxygen and have clear, warm water with moderate currents. The species tends to dwell among submerged rocks and boulders, where it grazes on algae and biofilm.
Size and Lifespan:
This species grows to about 7-8 inches (18-20 cm). With proper care, it can live for 10-15 years.
Diet and Behavior:
The L200 High Fin Green Phantom Pleco is an omnivore with a strong preference for algae and biofilm. In the wild, it scrapes surfaces for food, but it will also consume small invertebrates. In captivity, its diet should include high-quality sinking algae wafers, fresh vegetables such as zucchini, cucumber, and spinach, and occasional protein sources like bloodworms, blackworms, and high-protein pellets. It is generally peaceful but can be territorial with other bottom dwellers, especially other plecos.
Breeding and Reproduction:
Breeding Baryancistrus demantoides in captivity is rare but possible. They are cave spawners, with males guarding the eggs inside rock crevices or caves. Successful breeding requires a well-structured environment with multiple hiding spots, slightly acidic water conditions, and a high-protein diet to encourage spawning behavior. Fry are slow-growing and require specialized feeding.
Aquarium Care and Tank Requirements:
A minimum of 75 gallons is recommended for a single specimen, with larger tanks (100+ gallons) preferred for community setups. Their ideal tank setup includes a soft sand or fine gravel substrate, numerous rock formations and caves for shelter, strong filtration with high oxygenation, moderate to strong water flow to replicate river conditions, and subdued lighting with shaded areas to reduce stress.
Ideal Tank Mates:
The L200 High Fin Green Phantom Pleco is peaceful and can coexist with other non-aggressive fish. Suitable tank mates include Tetras, Corydoras, Geophagus Cichlids, Severums, Angelfish, Silver Dollars, and other similarly sized South American species. Avoid aggressive or highly territorial plecos that may compete for resources.
Difficulty Level:
Intermediate to Advanced. They require high oxygen levels, stable water parameters, and a well-balanced diet to thrive.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 78-86°F (26-30°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- General Hardness (GH): 5-15 dGH
- Carbonate Hardness (KH): 3-10 dKH
- Ammonia: 0 ppm
- Nitrite: 0 ppm
- Nitrate: <20 ppm (regular water changes required)
Additional Information:
- Their high dorsal fin sets them apart from the standard Green Phantom Pleco.
- They require high oxygen levels and benefit from an airstone or strong filtration system.
- A diet rich in plant-based foods is essential for long-term health.
The L200 High Fin Green Phantom Pleco is an excellent addition to well-maintained aquariums, offering both beauty and beneficial algae-grazing behavior. With the right care, they will thrive and display their full coloration and activity.