Common Name: L18 Gold Nugget Pleco
Scientific Name: Baryancistrus xanthellus
Other Names: Gold Nugget Pleco, Xanthellus Gold Nugget Pleco
The L18 Gold Nugget Pleco is a medium-sized fish with a striking appearance. It has a dark brown to black body covered in bright yellow or gold spots, which give it its distinctive "gold nugget" appearance. Its head is large and flattened, with a wide mouth and bristle-like structures around the mouth and on the edges of its face. These bristles are used for navigating and sensing its environment.
Habitat and Distribution:
The L18 Gold Nugget Pleco is native to the fast-moving streams and rivers of the Rio Xingu in Brazil. They can be found in rocky areas with moderate to strong currents, and are often found hiding in crevices or under rocks during the day.
In the wild, the L18 Gold Nugget Pleco can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) in length. In captivity, they typically reach a size of 6-8 inches (15-20 cm).
The L18 Gold Nugget Pleco has a lifespan of up to 10 years in the wild, and can live up to 20 years in captivity with proper care.
The L18 Gold Nugget Pleco is an omnivorous fish and feeds on a variety of foods in the wild, including algae, plant matter, and small invertebrates. In the aquarium, they should be fed a varied diet that includes high-quality sinking pellets, algae wafers, and fresh vegetables such as zucchini, spinach, and cucumber.
The L18 Gold Nugget Pleco is a nocturnal fish that is most active at night. They are generally peaceful and can be kept with other community fish, but may become territorial towards other bottom-dwelling species. They prefer hiding places such as caves, driftwood, and rocks in the aquarium and will often retreat to these areas during the day.
Aquarium Care:
The L18 Gold Nugget Pleco requires a well-maintained aquarium with clean, oxygen-rich water and good filtration. They prefer a moderate to strong water current and a pH range of 6.5-7.5, with a temperature range of 77-82°F (25-28°C). A minimum tank size of 55 gallons is recommended, with plenty of hiding places and a sandy or fine gravel substrate.
Ideal Tank Mates:
The L18 Gold Nugget Pleco can be kept with a variety of community fish, but should be kept with other bottom-dwelling species that are peaceful and not too active. Good tank mates include other peaceful catfish species, tetras, rasboras, and small cichlids.
Difficulty Level:
The L18 Gold Nugget Pleco is considered to be moderately difficult to keep in the aquarium due to its specific water and habitat requirements. However, with proper care and attention, they can be a rewarding and striking addition to the community aquarium.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 77-82°F (25-28°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- General Hardness (GH): 4-12 dGH
- Carbonate Hardness (KH): 2-10 dKH
- Ammonia: 0 ppm
- Nitrite: 0 ppm
- Nitrate: <20 ppm