Common Name: L173B False Zebra Pleco
Scientific Name: Hypancistrus sp. (Thin Stripe)
Other Names: Thin Stripe Zebra Pleco, False L173, L173B Pleco
The L173B False Zebra Pleco is a strikingly patterned Hypancistrus species featuring thin, high-contrast black and white stripes running along its body. It closely resembles the true L173 Zebra Pleco but has more elongated, irregular, and thinner striping. Like other Hypancistrus species, it is a small, bottom-dwelling catfish that thrives in well-maintained aquariums with plenty of hiding spots. Its peaceful nature and bold pattern make it a sought-after species among pleco enthusiasts.
Habitat and Distribution:
This species is believed to originate from the Xingu River in Brazil, particularly in fast-flowing, oxygen-rich waters with rocky substrates. These environments feature warm temperatures, moderate to strong currents, and plenty of submerged driftwood and caves for shelter. Due to their natural habitat, they require high water quality and strong filtration to thrive in captivity.
Size and Lifespan:
L173B False Zebra Plecos grow to about 4-5 inches (10-12 cm). With proper care, they can live for 10-15 years.
Diet and Behavior:
This species is an omnivore with a preference for protein-rich foods. In the wild, it primarily feeds on small invertebrates, biofilm, and detritus. In captivity, their diet should include high-quality sinking carnivore pellets, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, blackworms, and brine shrimp, and occasional plant-based foods like spirulina wafers or blanched vegetables. They are nocturnal and spend most of their time hiding during the day, becoming more active in dim lighting or at night.
Breeding and Reproduction:
Like other Hypancistrus species, L173B is a cave spawner. Males guard the eggs inside caves, fanning them until they hatch. Successful breeding in captivity requires a well-structured tank with plenty of hiding spots, soft to slightly acidic water, and a diet rich in protein. Once the fry hatch, they can be fed baby brine shrimp and finely crushed sinking foods.
Aquarium Care and Tank Requirements:
A minimum of 30 gallons is required for a single specimen, with a larger tank (40+ gallons) preferred for a small group. Their ideal tank setup includes a soft sand or fine gravel substrate, multiple caves and driftwood to create hiding spaces, strong filtration with high oxygenation, moderate to strong water flow to replicate river conditions, and dim to moderate lighting to reduce stress.
Ideal Tank Mates:
L173B False Zebra Plecos are peaceful and do well in community tanks with non-aggressive species. Suitable tank mates include Tetras, Corydoras, Rasboras, Dwarf Cichlids (Apistogramma and Ram Cichlids), and other small to medium-sized South American fish. Avoid large, aggressive species that may outcompete them for food or invade their hiding spaces.
Difficulty Level:
Intermediate to Advanced. They require stable water conditions, a high-protein diet, and a well-oxygenated environment to thrive.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 78-86°F (26-30°C)
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- General Hardness (GH): 4-12 dGH
- Carbonate Hardness (KH): 3-8 dKH
- Ammonia: 0 ppm
- Nitrite: 0 ppm
- Nitrate: <20 ppm (regular water changes required)
Additional Information:
- This species is often confused with true L173 Zebra Plecos, but it has thinner, more irregular stripes.
- They require high oxygen levels and benefit from the addition of an airstone or powerhead.
- A diet with sufficient protein is essential for their health and growth.
The L173B False Zebra Pleco is a beautiful and highly desirable species, perfect for aquarists looking to keep a unique and striking Hypancistrus in a well-maintained, species-appropriate setup.