Common Name: Albino Congo Tetra
Scientific Name: Phenacogrammus interruptus
Other Names: Albino African Tetra
The Albino Congo Tetra is a rare and visually stunning variation of the classic Congo Tetra, featuring a shimmering, translucent body with shades of gold, pink, and white. Its flowing fins and iridescent scales make it a striking addition to a peaceful community aquarium. Like its wild-type counterpart, this fish is known for its schooling nature and graceful swimming behavior.
Habitat and Distribution: The natural form of the Congo Tetra is found in the Congo River Basin in Central Africa, where it inhabits slow-moving, tannin-rich waters with dense vegetation. These environments have soft, slightly acidic water with plenty of submerged plant life and driftwood. The albino variant is selectively bred in captivity and does not occur in the wild.
Size and Lifespan: Albino Congo Tetras grow to about 3-3.5 inches (7-9 cm) in length. With proper care, they can live between 5-8 years, depending on water quality, diet, and overall tank conditions.
Diet and Behavior: Albino Congo Tetras are omnivorous, feeding on small insects, crustaceans, algae, and plant matter in their natural habitat. In an aquarium, their diet should include high-quality flake foods, small pellets, frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp, as well as occasional vegetable matter like blanched spinach or zucchini. They are peaceful, active schooling fish that thrive when kept in groups of at least six. Their vibrant coloration and long, flowing fins make them a visually captivating species, especially when housed in well-planted tanks with subdued lighting.
Breeding and Reproduction: Breeding Albino Congo Tetras in captivity is possible but requires precise conditions. They are egg scatterers and will deposit eggs among fine-leaved plants or over a spawning mop. A separate breeding tank with soft, slightly acidic water (pH 6.0-6.5) and dim lighting will encourage spawning. After spawning, the eggs should be removed or the parents separated to prevent them from eating the eggs. Fry hatch in about six days and should be fed infusoria or powdered fry food until they are large enough to consume baby brine shrimp.
Aquarium Care and Tank Requirements: Albino Congo Tetras require a spacious, well-maintained aquarium with a minimum of 40 gallons for a small group. The tank should have a soft, sandy or fine gravel substrate, plenty of plants, and driftwood to provide natural hiding spots and mimic their native environment. A gentle water current and subdued lighting will help them feel secure and encourage their best coloration. Efficient filtration and regular water changes are essential, as they are sensitive to poor water quality.
Ideal Tank Mates: Albino Congo Tetras are peaceful and do well with other similarly sized, non-aggressive fish. Suitable tank mates include other schooling tetras, rasboras, peaceful cichlids (such as keyholes or dwarf cichlids), rainbowfish, and small catfish like Corydoras. Avoid fin-nipping species, such as tiger barbs, that may damage their long fins.
Difficulty Level: Beginner to Intermediate. While they are hardy, they require high water quality and a well-structured tank to thrive. Their schooling nature also means they should be kept in groups, which requires adequate space.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 74-82°F (23-28°C)
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- General Hardness (GH): 4-12 dGH
- Carbonate Hardness (KH): 2-6 dKH
- Ammonia: 0 ppm
- Nitrite: 0 ppm
- Nitrate: <20 ppm
Additional Information: Albino Congo Tetras retain the same iridescent shimmer as their wild-type counterparts, but their colors appear softer and more pastel due to their genetic mutation. They are highly active fish and do best in a planted tank with open swimming space. Fun fact: Their long, flowing fins and shimmering scales make them one of the most visually captivating tetra species available in the aquarium trade.