Common Name: NTT Datnoid, Northern Thailand Tigerfish
Scientific Name: Datnioides undecimradiatus
Other Names: Thai Tigerfish, Thailand Datnoid
The NTT Datnoid is an exquisite freshwater fish that boasts striking bands on its body, reminiscent of a tiger’s stripes. Their alternating dark and light bands give them a captivating appearance, making them a sought-after species among fish hobbyists.
Habitat and Distribution: The Northern Thailand Tigerfish is native to freshwater bodies in Northern Thailand and possibly parts of Laos. These fish naturally inhabit clear, moderately flowing rivers, where they often stick close to submerged structures or vegetation for shelter.
Size and Lifespan: The NTT Datnoid can reach up to 16 inches (40 cm) in captivity, although they are often somewhat smaller in the wild. Given appropriate care, a balanced diet, and a stress-free environment, they can live for over 10 years.
Diet and Behavior: As carnivorous predators, their diet in the wild consists primarily of smaller fish and invertebrates. In a home aquarium, they should be provided with a diet of meaty foods such as live or frozen fish, shrimp, and occasionally, high-quality pellets. They tend to be shy initially but will become more active and confident as they grow and adjust to their surroundings.
Breeding and Reproduction: Little is known about their breeding habits in the wild, and successful captive breeding is quite rare. Enthusiasts who wish to breed them should provide a large enough tank with a balanced male-to-female ratio and closely monitor interactions.
Aquarium Care and Tank Requirements: Considering their potential size, a tank of at least 150 gallons is advised for adult specimens. They prefer well-structured environments with plenty of hiding spots. Good filtration is crucial as these fish can be sensitive to water quality changes.
Ideal Tank Mates: They are best housed with other similarly sized fish that aren't overly aggressive. Potential tankmates include larger barbs, loaches, and catfish. Small fish might be seen as prey, so choose tankmates carefully.
Difficulty Level: Intermediate. Due to their specific needs regarding tank size and water conditions, they might not be the best choice for beginners.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 74-82°F (23-28°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- General Hardness (GH): 5-15 dGH
- Carbonate Hardness (KH): 4-10 dKH
- Ammonia: 0 ppm
- Nitrite: 0 ppm
- Nitrate: <20 ppm
Additional Information:
- The NTT Datnoid's striking appearance can make it a centerpiece in larger aquarium setups.
- This species, being predatory, has a natural hunting behavior which can be fascinating to observe.
- As with all fish species, it's crucial to ensure their habitat remains clean, stable, and free from sudden changes or stressors. Regular water changes and monitoring of water parameters are essential for their well-being.